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Coin Operated & Convenient

Professional Washers and Dryers at your convenience.

Affordable. Quality. Convenient


Ayrshire Self-Service Launderette is a coin & card operated laundromat in Ayr. Offering high quality industrial washing (4 washers) and drying machines (8 dryers) to suit your individual, business, and household needs.

Perfect for busy households or local business'. Our industrial sized machines can allow large loads of clothing or bedding to be washed and then dried quickly. This can help avoid cluttering up homes with clothes horses and gives peace of mind that duvets, bedding, and other heavy items like jeans can be dried thoroughly to avoid dampness. 

to Services


Our machines accept:

20p, 50p, £1 coins and now card also.

Washing Machines

25 minute wash cycles at £4, £5, and £6 depending on size of machine

Drying Machines

Dryers £1.50 = 15 minutes

We now accept card payments using Tangerpay.

Follow instructions in store. All card transactions are subject to a 5% processing fee.

to Work


Where to Find Us

We are located at 161 Whitletts Road, Ayr.

Opposite the large Tescos.

Simply type our postcode into Google Maps:


Where to Find Us


161 Whitletts Road.



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Laundrette Laundry Dry Cleaners Laundrette Launderette Laundromat coin operated coin-operated laundrette laundry dry cleaners Laundrette Laundry Dry Cleaners Laundrette Launderette Laundromat coin operated coin-operated laundrette laundry dry cleaners

  • Ayrshire Self-Service Launderette
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